How do I get authentication in a telegram bot?

Update: I created a GitHub repository with a very simple PHP application to illustrate the concept explained below: Whether you use a webhook or not actually does not really matter. The “deep linking” explained: Let the user log in on an actual website with actual username-password authentication. Generate a unique hashcode (we will call … Read more

How to force telegram to update the link preview?

Go to @webpagebot and send the link (up to 10) you want to update. Automatically will scan your site and generate the new image thumbnail, site name and description. Remember to have og prefix in your html tag as: <html prefix=”og:”> or telegram bot will not update the graph cache. via telegramgeeks

How to use Telegram API in C# to send a message

Install-Package Telegram.Bot Create a bot using the botfather get the api key using the /token command (still in botfather) use this code: var bot = new Api(“your api key here”); var t = await bot.SendTextMessage(“@channelname or chat_id”, “text message”); You can now pass a channel username (in the format @channelusername) in the place of chat_id … Read more