Connecting to via command line

Using Linux or OSx, do what Sorin recommended but use port 465 instead. 25 is the generic SMTP port, but not what GMail uses. Also, I don’t believe you want to use -starttls smtp openssl s_client -connect You should get lots of information on the SSL session and the response: 220 … Type … Read more

Creating a script for a Telnet session?

I’ve used various methods for scripting telnet sessions under Unix, but the simplest one is probably a sequence of echo and sleep commands, with their output piped into telnet. Piping the output into another command is also a possibility. Silly example (echo password; echo “show ip route”; sleep 1; echo “quit” ) | telnet myrouter … Read more

HTTP keep-alive timeout

The client cannot specify the timeout, it is the server configuration that determines the maximum timeout value. The extra Keep-Alive header can inform the client how long the server is willing to keep the connection open (timeout=N value) and how many requests you can do over the same connection (max=M) before the server will force … Read more

How to send an HTTP request using Telnet [closed]

You could do telnet 80 And then paste GET /questions HTTP/1.0 Host: # add the 2 empty lines above but not this one Here is a transcript $ telnet 80 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. GET /questions HTTP/1.0 Host: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 …

Difference between wscript and cscript

In Windows, an executable is either a console application or a Windows application (or a SFU or Native application, but that doesn’t matter here). The kernel checks a flag in the executable to determine which. When starting using CreateProcess WinAPI function, if it is a console application, the kernel will create a console window for … Read more

“-bash: telnet: command not found ” error?

The RHEL/CentOS 5.4 telnet client is installed at /usr/kerberos/bin/telnet. Your $PATH variable thus needs /usr/kerberos/bin listed. (Preferably before /usr/bin) If for some reason you don’t have that file installed, it’s part of the package krb5-workstation. Installing that package manually or via YUM should give you what you need. You can check quick with which telnet … Read more