C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library [closed]

A quick review of the mentioned project. http://rgrz.tumblr.com/post/13808947359/review-of-html-template-engines-in-c-language ClearSilver Site: http://www.clearsilver.net Project: https://code.google.com/p/clearsilver/ Group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ClearSilver License: New BSD License Language: C Last Update: Nov 28, 2011 Last Release: 0.10.5 on July 12, 2007 Document: Rich Community: Medium (<10 discussion per month) Teng Site: http://teng.sourceforge.net Code: http://teng.svn.sourceforge.net/teng/ Group: http://sourceforge.net/projects/teng/ License: New BSD License Language: C++ Binding: … Read more

Declare CSS style outside the “HEAD” element of an “HTML” page?

tl;dr: If you’re not comfortable using HTML features that haven’t reached a maturity level of W3C Recommendation, there isn’t a standard way of adding <style> to the <body> of a page. If you’re comfortable using less mature features, HTML5.2 appears to be standardizing <style> elements to be allowed anywhere flow content is expected (i.e. the … Read more

Render an ERB template with values from a hash

require ‘erb’ require ‘ostruct’ def render(template, vars) ERB.new(template).result(OpenStruct.new(vars).instance_eval { binding }) end e.g render(“Hey, <%= first_name %> <%= last_name %>”, first_name: “James”, last_name: “Moriarty”) # => “Hey, James Moriarty” Update: A simple example without ERB: def render(template, vars) eval template, OpenStruct.new(vars).instance_eval { binding } end e.g. render ‘”Hey, #{first_name} #{last_name}”‘, first_name: “James”, last_name: “Moriarty” # … Read more

Velocity vs. FreeMarker [closed]

The goals for the projects are different. Velocity’s goal is to keep templates as simple as possible, to help maintain a segregation between logic and presentation, so you don’t slide down the slippery slope of sticking code in templates. Sometimes this is the right thing. Of course, sometimes being able to wire complicated logic directly … Read more

How to create global variables accessible in all views using Express / Node.JS?

After having a chance to study the Express 3 API Reference a bit more I discovered what I was looking for. Specifically the entries for app.locals and then a bit farther down res.locals held the answers I needed. I discovered for myself that the function app.locals takes an object and stores all of its properties … Read more