ffmpeg video to opengl texture

Is the texture initialized when you call glTexSubImage2D? You need to call glTexImage2D (not Sub) one time to initialize the texture object. Use NULL for the data pointer, OpenGL will then initialize a texture without copying data. answered EDIT You’re not supplying mipmaping levels. So did you disable mipmaping? glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILER, linear_interpolation ? GL_LINEAR : … Read more

Android OpenGL Texture Compression

There are mainly four texture compression types supported on Android: ETC1 (Ericsson texture compression). This format is supported by all Android phones. But, it doesn’t support an alpha channel, so can only be used for opaque textures. PVRTC (PowerVR texture compression). Supported by devices with PowerVR GPUs (Nexus S, Kindle fire, etc.). ATITC (ATI texture … Read more