Propagating ThreadLocal to a new Thread fetched from a ExecutorService

The set of ThreadLocal instances associated with a thread are held in private members of each Thread. Your only chance to enumerate these is to do some reflection on the Thread; this way, you can override the access restrictions on the thread’s fields. Once you can get the set of ThreadLocal, you could copy in … Read more

What are the differences between event-driven and thread-based server system?

The difference might be described as follows (with some simplification): in “thread driven” runtimes, when a request comes in, a new thread is created and all the handling is done in that thread. in “event driven” runtimes, when a request comes in, the event is dispatched and handler will pick it up. When? In Node.js, … Read more

C++ Thread Pool [closed]

I think it is still not accepted into Boost, but a good staring point: threadpool. Some example of usage, from the web site: #include “threadpool.hpp” using namespace boost::threadpool; // Some example tasks void first_task() { … } void second_task() { … } void third_task() { … } void execute_with_threadpool() { // Create a thread pool. … Read more

Exception handling in ThreadPools

I wrote a small post about this problem a while ago. You have two options: Use the solution provided by Colin Herbert or use a modified version of Mark Peters solution but instead of assigning a UncaughtExceptionHandler you wrap each submitted runnable into a runnable of your own which executes (calls run) the real runnable … Read more

How to use a goroutine pool

The simplest way, I suppose, is to create 250 goroutines and pass them a channel which you can use to pass links from main goroutine to child ones, listening that channel. When all links are passed to goroutines, you close a channel and all goroutines just finish their jobs. To secure yourself from main goroutine … Read more

Why does Windows 10 start extra threads in my program?

Crystal ball says that the Debug > Windows > Threads window shows these threads at ntdll.dll!TppWorkerThread. Be sure to enable the Microsoft Symbol Server to see this yourself, use Tools > Options > Debugging > Symbols. This also happens in VS2013 so it is most definitely not caused by the new VS2015 diagnostic features, @Adam’s … Read more