How to synchronize time on ESXi Windows virtual machines within one second?

This is 2018. Windows is capable of keeping servers synchronized within 2 ms or so, as required by MIFID II Regulations. So, your problem is a non-problem. Our sysadmins using windows NTP to sync time with domain controller. Synchronization of VMs with ESXI host is off. Why? The host can handle this a lot better … Read more

Time drift

The Network Time Protocol, or NTP, can be used to synchronize the time on a server with an authoritative source. Windows Servers, for example, will use one of the network domain controllers (the DC which holds the PDC emulator FSMO role for the domain [thanks Graeme]) to get time information. You can configure the domain … Read more

What can be done to improve time synchronization on networks with sporadic internet access?

In the old days, setting up a stratum-1 NTP server was very difficult, because stratum-0 sources were very expensive, extremely delicate, and usually radioactive. Nowadays we have the GPS, which incidentally functions as an extremely accurate radio clock. You can buy a dedicated stratum-1 server containing a GPS receiver as its stratum-0 timesource for quite … Read more

How to set a frequent period for NTP client to sync with the NTP server

You have the list of registry values here. Referring to this, try setting the following values : SpecialPollInterval : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpClient Explanation : Version : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008 This entry specifies the special poll interval in seconds for manual peers. When the SpecialInterval 0x1 flag is enabled (see … Read more

How to keep time on resumed KVM guest with libvirt?

The Problem I’ve got the same problem and I haven’t found a good solution. Here’s what I found: The problem is that after resume, the system and hardware clock times on the guest are different: root@guest:~# date; hwclock Sat Oct 11 13:09:38 UTC 2014 Sat Oct 11 13:10:42 2014 -0.454380 seconds On the host, they … Read more

Why is it important that servers have the exact same time?

Security In general, timestamps are used in various authentication protocols to help prevent replay attacks, where an attacker can reuse an authentication token he was able to steal (e.g. by sniffing the network). Kerberos authentication does exactly this, for instance. In the version of Kerberos used in Windows, the default tolerance is 5 minutes. This … Read more

Windows Server unable to synchronize NTP time reliably

Jeff, I found this article. Might be of some help to you. You might have already read this but I thought it was worth a shot. HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config\AnnounceFlags This registry entry controls whether the local computer is marked as a reliable time server (which is only possible if the previous registry entry is set to NTP … Read more