How do you handle translation of text with markup?

Solution 2 is what you want. Send them the whole sentence, with the HTML markup embedded. Reasons: The predominant translation tool, Trados, can preserve the markup from inadvertent corruption by a translator. Trados can also auto-translate text that it has seen before, even if the content of the tags have changed (but the number of … Read more

How to handle Translation in twig file using variables?

You were going on right track, what you missed is just to pass someVariable as a parameter to trans() in your Twig file as: <h2>{{ “”|trans({‘%someVariable%’: someVariable}, “workend”) }}</h2> Now your message in Yml file should be as: Hola, Follow %someVariable% en Twitter This should work. For more details and clarity you can refer … Read more

Android Lint: how to ignore missing translation warnings in a regional locale string file that purposely only overrides some default translations?

A nice way to disable MissingTranslations check is to add the option in module specific build.gradle file . android { lintOptions{ disable ‘MissingTranslation’ } //other build tags } If the strings are not present in locale specific Strings file, it will take the strings from the default file which generally is strings.xml.

What good alternatives to Poedit are there? [closed]

Here are some good alternatives to Poedit: Translation editors Lokalize: for KDE users (KBabel is now obsolete). GTranslator: for GNOME users. GTeddead link: runs everywhere Eclipse runs. Virtaal: Windows, Linux, Mac. Good choice for GNOME users. Text editor Vim: you can use the Vim script for po files Editing Emacs: you can use po mode … Read more