Is there UID datatype in SQLITE if Yes then how to generate value for that

You can argue that SQLite doesn’t support data types at all. In SQLite3, you can do this, for example. sqlite> create table test (id wibblewibble primary key); SQLite will happily create a column with the “data type” wibblewibble. SQLite will also happily create columns with the “data types” uuid, guid, and SuperChicken. The crucial point … Read more

What is difference between os.getuid() and os.geteuid()?

To understand how os.getuid and os.geteuid differ, you need to understand that they’re are not Python specific functions (other than the os module prefix). Those functions are wrapping the getuid and geteuid system calls that are provided by essentially all Unix-like operating systems. So, rather than looking at Python docs (which are not likely to … Read more

How do I check if an app is a non-system app in Android?

PackageManager pm = mcontext.getPackageManager(); List<PackageInfo> list = pm.getInstalledPackages(0); for(PackageInfo pi : list) { ApplicationInfo ai = pm.getApplicationInfo(pi.packageName, 0); System.out.println(“>>>>>>packages is<<<<<<<<” + ai.publicSourceDir); if ((ai.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) != 0) { System.out.println(“>>>>>>packages is system package”+pi.packageName); } }

How big (in bits) is a Unix UID?

You’ll need to look in <limits.h> (or one of the files it includes, e.g., sys/syslimits.h on OS X) for the #define of UID_MAX. Most recent operating systems (Solaris 2.x, OS X, BSD, Linux, HP-UX 11i, AIX 6) can handle up to two billion (2^31-2), so I would assume that and make a workaround for the … Read more

What’s the advantage of synchronizing UID/GID across Linux machines?

technical debt For the reasons below, it is much simpler to address this problem early on to avoid the accumulation of technical debt. Even if you find yourself already in this situation, it’s probably better to deal with it in the near future than let it continue building. networked filesystems This question seems to be … Read more