Storyboard Entry Point Missing

Click on Top of ViewController or Controller in Document Outline window (on left side) of the Controller you want to make Storyboard Entry Point. Click on Attribute inspector button (in right side). Enable “Is Initial View Controller”. Storyboard Entry Point will reappear hopefully.

How to sync localized storyboards’ strings after modifying storyboard in Xcode 5

Check out ReMafoX, it’s a Mac app that perfectly solves your problem. It can be easily installed and integrated within your project, watch this video for a detailed walkthrough. Alternatively, if you prefer an open-source CLI tool without a GUI, you can also use BartyCrouch. Install BartyCrouch via Homebrew: brew install bartycrouch Alternatively, install it … Read more

iOS 7 | Navigation bar / Toolbar buttons very close to status bar

The navigation bars or toolbars have to be at (0, viewController.topLayoutGuide.length) with bar positioning of UIBarPositionTopAttached. You should set the delegate of your navigation bar or your toolbar to your view controller, and return UIBarPositionTopAttached. If positioned correctly, you will have the result in your third image. More information here:

Xcode 6 beta 7: storyboard adds extra space on right and left sides

iOS 8 adds the concept of “content margins” to UIView. The “What’s New in Cocoa Touch” video from WWDC 2014 discusses content margins (under the title “Adaptive Margins”) starting at about 12m30s. The default margins are 8 points on each side. Each end of a layout constraint can be relative to a view’s margin instead … Read more

Instantiate View Controller from Storyboard vs. Creating New Instance

The main difference is in how the subviews of your UIViewController get instantiated. In the second case, all the views you create in your storyboard will be automatically instantiated for you, and all the outlets and actions will be set up as you specified in the storyboard. In the first, case, none of that happens; … Read more

Present View Controller in Storyboard with a Navigation Controller – Swift

You’re definitely on the right track. Unfortunately when you reference a view controller by its storyboard ID it will ignore the fact it is embedded within anything. Same goes for segues when you segue to something embedded, the destination view controller will be the embedding controller, not the controller you’re usually interested in. Anyhow, you … Read more

viewController custom init method with storyboard

The designated initializer for view controllers in storyboards is -initWithCoder:. Since most view controllers from a storyboard are created via segues, you usually see state set during -prepareForSegue:sender:. If you’re instantiating a view controller directly from the storyboard like in the example you provided, then the pattern you’ve selected is appropriate.