How to get intellisense in Visual Studio Code for Unity functions names?

Old question, but I had the same problem just recently. There must have been an issue in your Assembly-CSharp.csproj or project-name.sln files. Most likely to be the .csproj file. If you take a look at it, you will see various references to .dll files. You can tell Unity (my version: v2019.2.20f1) to create these for … Read more

Is it possible to simplify an if-statement that checks for a combination?

You should use an enum for materials instead of string and you can use a Dictionary to hold corresponding sound combinations. You can skip multiple if statements and select corresponding object for each material automatically using the Dictionary. For example: [Flags] enum Material { Wood=1, Iron=2, Glass=4 //… } Dictionary<Material,SoundObject> sounds = new Dictionary<Material,SoundObject>(); sounds.add(Material.Wood,woodSound); … Read more

How to Rename a Unity Project?

To change Unity project name: Change the unity project folder name (the parent folder of ‘Assets’ folder) Remove any file with .sln or .csproj suffixes under the project folder. (Unity will regenerate them) Does changing the project name change the game’s name (the name that appears on top left corner of the game window)? No! … Read more

How to set up unit tests in Unity and fix missing assembly reference error?

Try using the built-in Test Runner UI to set-up your Test Assembly Folder and first Test script. Use Window -> Test Runner -> EditMode -> “Create Test Assembly Folder”, and once you navigate to the new Test Assembly Folder, use the Create Test Script in current folder button. In particular, your Tests.asmdef is missing an … Read more