How can I attach a VHDx or VHD file in Linux? [closed]

You can use libguestfs-tools to achieve this. First, you need to install it, on Ubuntu/Debian-like Linux that would be: sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools Then, you can mount almost whatever you wish: guestmount –add yourVirtualDisk.vhdx –inspector –ro /mnt/anydirectory This is just an example of read-only extraction point. Hints: Run it as normal user, i.e.: guestmount … … Read more

Windows 7 compact dynamic VHD

You can compact a VHD in Windows 7 using diskpart.exe’s COMPACT option. Also, if you don’t mind a little coding, you can call the CompactVirtualDisk API (I’d post a link to it, but new users can’t post hyperlinks – just search MSDN for it if you’re interested).

Mount an VHD on Mac OS X

Finally I got it working. So in summary here are the steps to perform Install macfuse Install Virtual Box Compile vdfuse as mentioned in the question Mount the vhd disk sudo ./vdfuse -tVHD -w -f/Path/To/VHD /Path/To/Mountpoint Attach the virtual partition blockfiles hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount /Path/To/Mountpoint/PartitionN Mount the virtual partition mount -t YourFS /dev/diskK … Read more