“Unballooning” RAM that’s been ballooned by VMware

VMware actually has a KB article that has this information: To force the balloon driver to release its hold on memory and prevent the guest operating system from using swap space, use one of these options: Set the value of sched.mem.max to the allocated memory or greater. Select the virtual machine’s Resources > Memory > … Read more

When cloning a VMware Virtual Machine, how can I prevent MAC address & UUID conflicts?

Since device persistence stuff is just getting in the way for these VMs, rip it out: Completely remove the HWADDR and UUID lines from the ifcfg file, and Delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules before cloning That should let the eth0 with a new MAC address actually use the ifcfg-eth0 on initial boot.

Disk shrink does not work on ESXi guests

http://www.vmware.com/pdf/vmware-tools-cli.pdf Page 13 : Shrinking disks is not allowed under the following circumstances: The virtual machine is hosted on an ESX/ESXi server. ESX/ESXi Server can shrink the size of a virtual disk only when a virtual machine is exported. The space occupied by the virtual disk on the ESX/ESXi server, however, does not change.

How to synchronize time on ESXi Windows virtual machines within one second?

This is 2018. Windows is capable of keeping servers synchronized within 2 ms or so, as required by MIFID II Regulations. So, your problem is a non-problem. Our sysadmins using windows NTP to sync time with domain controller. Synchronization of VMs with ESXI host is off. Why? The host can handle this a lot better … Read more

VMware ESXi: help downloading large ISO

Around ESXi 6.7, the embedded busybox wget finally started to support https. So finally, you can do https downloads in ESXi. Yay! This is from ESXi 6.7 Update 2. [root@ESXi-X9SRI-3F:/tmp] wget https://www.example.org Connecting to www.example.org ( index.html 100% |******************************************************************************************| 1270 0:00:00 ETA [root@ESXi-X9SRI-3F:/tmp] wget –help BusyBox v1.29.3 (2018-11-02 15:37:50 PDT) multi-call binary. Usage: wget [-c|–continue] … Read more

VM Inaccessible

BINGO!!! Alright, here is how this was resolved: I referenced this artice for unmounting the datastore, https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2004605 Step 1: Manually unmount the datastore from the host with this command: esxcli storage filesystem unmount [-u UUID | -l label | -p path ] In my case I just used the label command. Step 2: Verify that … Read more