Is Vuex Store accessible from console or from client’s browser?

Yes they can. The invocation I use is document.getElementsByTagName(‘a’)[0].__vue__.$store.state This assumes the first link has vue properties, which is almost always the case. If not, try other tags. The UI is unpleasant, but adequately self-documenting. It’s a useful debugging tool and something a user could do. Of course, a determined and skilled user could write … Read more

Vuex: Skipping Action and committing Mutation directly from Component

In your case it should be fine to commit the mutations directly in your components using …mapMutations or $store instance. Since you asked the best practice, The primary reason for the existence of Actions is Asynchronicity. Mutations cannot be asynchronous whereas Actions can be, while you can call $store.commit directly in a Component this will … Read more

Vue.js 3 and typescript : Property ‘$store’ does not exist on type ‘ComponentPublicInstance

Next to shims-vue.d.ts file create another file called shims-vuex.d.ts with the following content : import { Store } from ‘@/store’;// path to store file declare module ‘@vue/runtime-core’ { interface ComponentCustomProperties { $store: Store; } } For more check the Typescript support section for more details

Props typing in Vue.js 3 with TypeScript

You should use it with PropType imported from vue like Object as PropType<FlashInterface>: import FlashInterface from ‘@/interfaces/FlashInterface’; import { ref,PropType, defineComponent } from ‘vue’; import { useStore } from ‘vuex’; export default defineComponent({ props: { message: { type: Object as PropType<FlashInterface>, required: true } }, setup(props) { // Stuff } }); Note : you should … Read more