appSettings vs applicationSettings. appSettings outdated? [duplicate]

This has been discussed before here: Pros and cons of appSettings vs applicationSettings (.NET app.config). As for your questions: The older one is <appSettings>, it was around before 2.0, <applicationSettings> became available in 2.0. Advantage? When I’m editing a value, or adding a value on a server where the best tool is notepad <applicationSettings> is … Read more

Web deploy in Visual Studio 2010 – web management service is missing

Here is a current walkthrough as of April 2014: Install the Web Platform Installer on the server, which is available as a download from Microsoft. Open Web Platform Installer, select “Products” at the top, and search for “Management Service”. Click the “Add” button from the “IIS: Management Service” result , then click “Install”. … Read more

Reference DLL file not copying to bin with deployment project, causing error

There is a bug in Visual Studio 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022. By default the XML in the solution file looks like this: <Reference Include=”DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a, processorArchitecture=MSIL”> <HintPath>..\References\DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core.dll</HintPath> </Reference> Whereas MSBuild is expecting this below, so that the DLL file will be included in the deployment: <Reference Include=”DevExpress.SpellChecker.v11.1.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a, … Read more

Visual Studio 2010 Web deployment task failed

Restart visual studio. I’ve had this one come up on a few occasions after having just successfully deployed a WebApp on a server running IIS 7.5. Obviously since a deployment/publishing was done successfully on the server just before this error came up, there was very little that could have gone wrong on the server setup/configuration … Read more