Can anyone recommend a website monitoring service? [closed]

Here’s a breakdown of the major players in the external performance monitoring space: Top Shelf – largest network, great monitoring technology, fun UI – focused on mobile, long time player in the space – lots of different products, product life cycle focus Middle – does a lot of things, nothing extremely … Read more

Should websites live in /var/ or /usr/ according to recommended usage?

According to the FHS, /usr is for shareable, read-only data – not where you want to put the website. This is where you should put your code (for example Fedora does this for WordPress). See also the web assets packaging guide for Fedora. /var is “variable data files. This includes spool directories and files, administrative … Read more

Nginx enable site command

If you have installed the nginx package from the Ubuntu repositories, you will have two directories. /etc/nginx/sites-enabled and /etc/nginx/sites-available. In the main nginx configuration, /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, you have the following line: include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.conf; So basically to list all available virtualhosts, you can run the following command: ls /etc/nginx/sites-available To activate one of them, run the following … Read more