Show touch keyboard (TabTip.exe) in Windows 10 Anniversary edition

OK, I reverse engineered what explorer does when the user presses that button in the system tray. Basically it creates an instance of an undocumented interface ITipInvocation and calls its Toggle(HWND) method, passing desktop window as an argument. As the name suggests, the method either shows or hides the keyboard depending on its current state. … Read more

Scaling the non-client area (title bar, menu bar) for per-monitor high-DPI support

In any up-to-date Windows Insider builds (build >= 14342, SDK version# >= 14332) there is an EnableNonClientDpiScaling API (which takes an HWND as its argument) that will enable non-client DPI scaling for top-level HWNDs. This functionality requires that the top-level window be running in per-monitor DPI-awareness mode. This API should be called from the WM_NCCREATE … Read more