How to get the current user’s Active Directory details in C#

The “pre Windows 2000” name i.e. DOMAIN\SomeBody, the Somebody portion is known as sAMAccountName. So try: using(DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(“LDAP://MyDomainController”)) { using(DirectorySearcher adSearch = new DirectorySearcher(de)) { adSearch.Filter = “(sAMAccountName=someuser)”; SearchResult adSearchResult = adSearch.FindOne(); } } [email protected] is the UserPrincipalName, but it isn’t a required field.

Unable to authenticate to ASP.NET Web Api service with HttpClient

I have investigated the source code of HttpClientHandler (the latest version I was able to get my hands on) and this is what can be found in SendAsync method: // BeginGetResponse/BeginGetRequestStream have a lot of setup work to do before becoming async // (proxy, dns, connection pooling, etc). Run these on a separate thread. // … Read more

ASP.NET MVC – Authenticate users against Active Directory, but require username and password to be inputted

You can use the standard Internet application template with forms authentication and insert an ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider into the web.config: <connectionStrings> <add name=”ADConnectionString” connectionString=”LDAP://YOUR_AD_CONN_STRING” /> </connectionStrings> <system.web> <authentication mode=”Forms”> <forms name=”.ADAuthCookie” loginUrl=”~/Account/LogOn” timeout=”15″ slidingExpiration=”false” protection=”All” /> </authentication> <membership defaultProvider=”MY_ADMembershipProvider”> <providers> <clear /> <add name=”MY_ADMembershipProvider” type=”System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider” connectionStringName=”ADConnectionString” attributeMapUsername=”sAMAccountName” /> </providers> </membership> </system.web> In this way you get the … Read more

ASP.NET Identity + Windows Authentication (Mix mode – Forms + Windows)

IIS configuration Enable Anonymous Authentication status in IIS for the whole site and Windows Authentication for some folder under root directory (for example, /WindowsLogin). In this folder place aspx file (for WebForms project) or create ApiController (for MVC project). Site setup On login page add button “Login with Windows/ActiveDirectory account” (in similar way as it … Read more

Making a web request to a web page which requires windows authentication

You should use Credentials property to pass the windows credentials to the web service. If you wish to pass current windows user’s credentials to the service then request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; should do the trick. Otherwise use NetworkCredential as follows: request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pwd, domain);

Windows Authentication not working on local IIS 7.5. Error 401.1

The issue here is that modern versions of Windows (Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and up) include a loopback check security feature that is designed to help prevent reflection attacks on your computer. Therefore, authentication fails if the FQDN or the custom host header that you use does not match the local computer … Read more

401 response for CORS request in IIS with Windows Auth enabled

You can allow only OPTIONS verb for anonymous users. <system.web> <authentication mode=”Windows” /> <authorization> <allow verbs=”OPTIONS” users=”*”/> <deny users=”?” /> </authorization> </system.web> According W3C specifications, browser excludes user credentials from CORS preflight:

IIS7: Setup Integrated Windows Authentication like in IIS6

To enable the Windows Authentication on IIS7 on Windows 7 machine: Go to Control Panel Click Programs >> Programs and Features Select “Turn Windows Features on or off” from left side. Expand Internet Information Services >> World Wide Web Services >> Security Select Windows Authentication and click OK. Reset the IIS and Check in IIS … Read more