How to Distribute Compiled Windows 8 Metro Applications without Windows Store?

Each machine that wants to install the application will need a developer license. See this page for some details. When you have your app ready: select Store->Create App Package Select Build a package to use locally only Follow the prompts This will create a package in whatever folder you specified. You should be able to … Read more

Retrieve the Current App version from Package

Here’s what you can do to retrieve the version in code: using Windows.ApplicationModel; public static string GetAppVersion() { Package package = Package.Current; PackageId packageId = package.Id; PackageVersion version = packageId.Version; return string.Format(“{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}”, version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build, version.Revision); } Reference:

How to uninstall an app that another user installed?

My process above still works, but it simply gets around a race condition issue, where Windows Update (yes, oddly enough) is in charge of wiping out “staged packages.” According to Microsoft, the “other fix” – and I still consider this issue to be a bug – is: Cause of the problem: Windows Update (WU) downloads … Read more

Thread.Sleep replacement in .NET for Windows Store

Windows Store apps embrace asynchrony – and an “asynchronous pause” is provided by Task.Delay. So within an asynchronous method, you’d write: await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); … or whatever delay you want. The asynchronous method will continue 30 seconds later, but the thread will not be blocked, just as for all await expressions.