What is MAUI? and what are differences between MAUI and Xamarin

With .NET 5 Microsoft begins the journey of unifying the .NET platform, bringing .NET Core and Mono/Xamarin together in one base class library (BCL) and toolchain (SDK), more about it here. .NET MAUI is a name for a new upgraded solution as a Multi-platform App UI framework for building native cross-platform apps with .NET for … Read more

Is it possible to use a Xaml designer or intellisense with Xamarin.Forms?

Xamarin.Forms does not come with a graphical designer (yet ?). As for intellisense there are 2 parts: referencing xaml element tagged with x:Name in code behind works in both Xamarin.Studio and VisualStudio Xaml completion of elements and attributes works in Xamarin.Studio, and support for completing attributes values is coming very soon. Unfortunately, intellisense for Xaml … Read more

Xamarin.Forms: ListView inside StackLayout: How to set height?

With the new BindableLayout feature in Xamarin Forms 3.5 you can easily use the ItemsSource on StackPanel. So, basically you can write something like this: <StackLayout BindableLayout.ItemsSource=”{Binding list}”> <BindableLayout.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> … </DataTemplate> </BindableLayout.ItemTemplate> </StackLayout> You can read more about it here: https://blog.xamarin.com/xamarin-forms-3-5-a-little-bindable-love/

Xamarin forms android Application not getting DeviceToken Parse SDK

when you have declare the push notification using xamarin then you have to write code on both section like xamarin android and IOS, and also if you have used to remote notification then use to push sharp lib which is a best for push notification and register your app and enable to notification service like … Read more

How to Add Click event in Stack Layout or Frame

You can add a TapGestureRecognizer to the StackLayout in XAML like this: <StackLayout Grid.Column=”0″ Grid.Row=”0″ BackgroundColor=”#313FA0″> <StackLayout.GestureRecognizers> <TapGestureRecognizer Tapped=”OnTapped”/> </StackLayout.GestureRecognizers> </StackLayout> Then you can implement the OnTapped method in the code behind: void OnTapped(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Do stuff } Alternatively, if you are using the MVVM pattern and would like to Bind … Read more