Objective-C method conflicts with optional requirement method Swift

I’m not sure exactly why the compiler is throwing the error, however I do see a difference in the default Swift version of those same methods. Perhaps you could replace the function declaration with those created with a normal Swift project: 1 func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool 2 func application(application: UIApplication, … Read more

WatchKit apps must have a deployment target equal to iOS 8.2 (was 8.3)?

Select your project settings and go to “TARGETS”. Click on your Watch Kit App, select Build Settings. For the key “iOS Deployment Target” you should find “iOS 8.3”. For some reason Xcode 6.3 Beta 4 wants to have this on “iOS 8.2” for “Debug” and “Release”. Now your project should build as expected. This is … Read more

Xcode 6.3 freezes/hangs after opening XIB file

I’ve already suggested an edit for a more accurate description. It only happens when your project contains a custom font. It’ll freeze just by visiting any Storyboard/XIB that contains an IBDesignable custom view, not even referencing to that font in your Storyboard/XIB. My workaround is to use have an older version of Xcode also installed … Read more