Rename failed in Xcode 9

Try again in few minutes. Maybe background indexing still running. Also, you must build your project in order to be able to use refactor->rename. Actually, it must be a bug in Xcode 9. Try 9.1 beta, refactor is not ideal, but works better there. this maybe helpful: UPDATE: Close Xcode Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and … Read more

Xcode 9 Bug: Cannot find cdtool

An Apple engineer reached out about this… Those of you with cdtool errors in Xcode 8, I suspect you installed the iOS 10.3 Simulator runtime from Xcode 9. It was discovered this week that this causes a problem with cdtool in Xcode 8.3. You can work around that by moving iOS 10.3.simruntime aside and restarting … Read more

Xcode 9: Could not attach to pid

If issue is on OS Mojave and you are trying, like me to run tests on older Xcode version (lower than 10.0), make sure that in your scheme, when you select Test, Debug executable is disabled You won’t be able to debug tests from this point