Cause of page fragmentation on “large” server with xfs, 20 disks and Ceph

I thought I’d put an answer with my observations because there are a lot of comments. Based off of your output at We can determine the following: The GFP_MASK for the memory allocation tried is allowed to do the following. Can access emergency pools (I think this means access data below the high watermark … Read more

Newly created XFS filesystem shows 78 GB used

For XFS, the empty filesystem “Size Used” as shown by df -h seems to depend a lot on which metadata features you enable at mkfs.xfs time. Testing with an empty 12TB file: # truncate -s 12TB xfstest.img Default settings (on my current ArchLinux system): # mkfs.xfs xfstest.img meta-data=xfstest.img isize=512 agcount=11, agsize=268435455 blks = sectsz=512 attr=2, … Read more

Unable to create files on large XFS filesystem

The reason for the problem The issue turns out to be in how XFS allocates inodes. Unlike most file systems, allocation happens dynamically as new files are created. However, unless you specify otherwise, inodes are limited to 32-bit values, which means that they must fit within the first terabyte of storage on the file system. … Read more

The XFS filesystem is broken in RHEL/CentOS 6.x – What can I do about it?

At what point does it make sense to depart from the OS-provided kernels and packages when the upstream maintainer has broken an important feature? “At the point where the vendor’s kernel or packages are so horribly broken that they impact your business” is my general answer (coincidentally this is also about the point where I … Read more

Why are my XFS filesystems suddenly consuming more space and full of sparse files?

I traced this issue back to a discussion about a commit to the XFS source tree from December 2010. The patch was introduced in Kernel 2.6.38 (and obviously, later backported into some popular Linux distribution kernels). The observed fluctuations in disk usage are a result of a new feature; XFS Dynamic Speculative EOF Preallocation. This … Read more


I’ve found XFS more well suited to extremely large filesystems with possibly many large files. I’ve had a functioning 3.6TB XFS filesystem for over 2 years now with no problems. Definately works better than ext3, etc at that size (especially when dealing with many large files and lots of I/O). What you get with ZFS … Read more