A difference between statement and decision coverage

The answer by Paul isn’t quite right, at least I think so (according to ISTQB’s definitions). There’s quite significant difference between statement, decision/branch and condition coverage. I’ll use the sample from the other answer but modified a bit, so I can show all three test coverage examples. Tests written here gives 100% test coverage for … Read more

Testng, Emma, Cobertura, coverage and JDK 7 result in ClassFormatError and VerifyError

I had same problem using maven cobertura plugin. All tests failed when run from cobertura:report. But all tests succeeded when run directly from surefire plugin. As some of you already said the problem is that coberture byte code instrumentation of is not compatible with JDK7. You can see here http://vikashazrati.wordpress.com/2011/10/09/quicktip-verifyerror-with-jdk-7/ that the exception is related … Read more

How to ignore lines for code coverage in Jest

It works. (function(global) { var defineAsGlobal = true; /* istanbul ignore next */ if(typeof exports === ‘object’) { module.exports = lib; defineAsGlobal = false; } /* istanbul ignore next */ if(typeof modules === ‘object’ && typeof modules.define === ‘function’) { modules.define(‘lib’, function(provide) { provide(lib); }); defineAsGlobal = false; } /* istanbul ignore next */ if(typeof … Read more