xn-- on domain, what it means?

Its the result of IDNA encoding; i.e. converting your unicode domain name to its ASCII equivalent which has to be done as DNS is not unicode-aware. The xn-- says “everything that follows is encoded-unicode”.

How do I set up GitHub Pages to redirect DNS requests from a subdomain (e.g. www) to the top-level domain (TLD, Apex record)?

Short answer Step 1: Add a new file CNAME to your GitHub Pages repository containing only one line: your top-level domain name. E.g.: example.com Step 2: [Optional] but highly recommended 2.1: Remove all other top-level records (prefixed with @) of type A from your DNS configuration. 2.2: Remove a CNAME record for the second-level domain … Read more

Domain IP address for www and non-www for Canonical URL

The mechanisms you describe (A and CNAME records vs. 301 redirects) are part of two different protocols (DNS and HTTP). A and CNAME records have nothing to do with which site your HTTP server serves for different requests. Let’s look at two different DNS configurations: Configuration 1 (CNAME record) Host | Type | Data —————–+——-+————- … Read more