Restricting dnsmasq’s DHCP server to one interface

The man page explains it quite nicely. If it’s just DHCP you don’t want to run on wlan0 then you can use –no-dhcp-interface=wlan0. If you don’t want dnsmasq to listen at all on wlan0 then you can use –except-interface=wlan0. If you only want dnsmasq to listen on eth0 then you can use –interface=eth0.

Disable dhcp service in dnsmasq

dnsmasq has dhcp server disabled by default. To enable it you have to uncomment dhcp-related lines in /etc/dnsmasq.conf to forward all requests to it’s sufficient to add (without touching dnsmasq config) in /etc/resolv.conf: nameserver # In order to configure dnsmasq to act as cache for the host on which it # is running, … Read more