Windows 2012 can’t validate forwarders without a root zone?

I tried to reproduce this on both Windows 2012 and Windows 2012 R2 but couldn’t get the same end result. I can confirm the initial validation error (An unknown error occurred while validating the server.), and I can see the strange query for . IN SOA, but clicking “OK” at that point appears to work … Read more

BIND9: Do forwarders have any priority?

I’ve looked this up before, but I’m having trouble finding something better than this at the moment: BIND8 and onward consider each of the forwarders begin with “equal weight”. Based on the SRTT of the responses, the nameserver begins to favor one over the other. A certain percentage of queries will always hit the … Read more

Hosting multiple domains on a single email server with one IP

Both approaches are valid, do know that this record will not show as the originating address. When you send an email to one of your configured addresses, the sending MTA will look up the MX record configured for your domain. It will get the IP from that domain and it will open an SMTP session … Read more

Registrar Name Server Change

Historically the root zone manager has taken updates from registrars through an e-mail template system. If you were messing about with NetSol 10+ years ago you’d remember the e-mail templates. As inherently stable and reliable as e-mail is, Verisign (NetSol at the time) came up with a new RZMS (Root Zone Management System) which is … Read more

Why is my domain controller causing my router to send advertisements for Unique Local Addresses?

While I still don’t know exactly why this happened (and would welcome explanations!) it seems to be fixed now. I went over the networking configuration with a fine tooth comb, and discovered to my chagrin that the default gateway had a typo in it! [dc1]: PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents> Get-NetRoute -PolicyStore PersistentStore -AddressFamily IPv6 ifIndex DestinationPrefix NextHop … Read more

dns – BIND – how to return a different IP based on request’s subnet

You need to use views: view “officeA” { match-clients {; }; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-rfc1912”; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-common”; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-officeA”; }; view “officeB” { match-clients {; }; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-rfc1912”; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-common”; include “/etc/named.conf.zones-officeB”; };

Can an email server be set-up on an Azure VM?

No. You can’t be reasonably sure your outgoing email will be delivered, as many destinations simply blacklist, firewall, or even null route all major cloud providers’ IP blocks due to the heavy abuse seen from those ranges – not just from email but via other services as well. And even if your mail is delivered … Read more