What is Erlang written in?

Erlang itself is written in Erlang. Sounds strange? Yes, because it is only partially true. OK look at it in more detail: Erlang preprocessor is written in Erlang. Erlang parser is written in Erlang. Erlang compiler to BEAM (byte-code VM) is written in Erlang. Erlang compiler to HiPE (native VM extension) is written in Erlang. … Read more

Where is Erlang used and why? [closed]

From Programming Erlang: alt text http://bks8.books.google.com/books?id=Qr_WuvfTSpEC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&sig=ACfU3U2F4YY4KqO0vCuZ4WEZjdE2yFFvvg Many companies are using Erlang in their production systems: • Amazon uses Erlang to implement SimpleDB, providing database services as a part of the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). • Yahoo! uses it in its social bookmarking service, Delicious, which has more than 5 million users and 150 million … Read more