Dart catch clause

Dart is an optional typed language. So the type of e is not required. you have to use the following syntax to catch only SomeException : try { // … } on SomeException catch(e) { //Handle exception of type SomeException } catch(e) { //Handle all other exceptions } See catch section of Dart: Up and … Read more

Kotlin – Throw Custom Exception

One thing to keep in mind: if you are using the IntelliJ IDE, just a simple copy/paste of Java code can convert it to Kotlin. Coming to your question, now. If you want to create a custom Exception, just extend Exception class like: class TestException(message:String): Exception(message) and throw it like: throw TestException(“Hey, I am testing … Read more

How do exceptions in Haskell work?

The answer is that this is the (somewhat surprising) semantics of imprecise exceptions When pure code can be shown to evaluate to a set of exceptional values (i.e. the value of error or undefined, and explicitly not the kind of exceptions generated in IO), then the language permits any value of that set to be … Read more

Why is exception handling bad? [closed]

Exceptions make it really easy to write code where an exception being thrown will break invariants and leave objects in an inconsistent state. They essentially force you to remember that most every statement you make can potentially throw, and handle that correctly. Doing so can be tricky and counter-intuitive. Consider something like this as a … Read more

Troubleshooting “Related Field has invalid lookup: icontains”

Have you tried adding the __fieldname on those Lingua references in the ListinoTraduttoreAdmin search_fields, like: class ListinoTraduttoreAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = (“traduttore”, “linguaDa”, “linguaA”, “prezzoParola”, “prezzoRiga”, “scontoCat”, “scontoFuzzy”, “scontoRipetizioni”) search_fields = [‘traduttore__nome”, “linguaDa__field1”, “linguaA_field2”]

Proper use of errors

Someone posted this link to the MDN in a comment, and I think it was very helpful. It describes things like ErrorTypes very thoroughly. EvalError — Creates an instance representing an error that occurs regarding the global function eval(). InternalError — Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when an internal error in the … Read more

When is it right for a constructor to throw an exception?

The constructor’s job is to bring the object into a usable state. There are basically two schools of thought on this. One group favors two-stage construction. The constructor merely brings the object into a sleeper state in which it refuses to do any work. There’s an additional function that does the actual initialization. I’ve never … Read more