Need to replace disk in zpool … confused

FreeNAS is a NAS solution, as such, some technical choices are hidden behind whatever firmware, system or GUI such appliance can use. If you get the partition schema used on a given disk inside a ZFS pool made with FreeNAS (small VM example): $ glabel status Name Status Components gptid/a699226f-bcc4-11e3-952d-0800271cd34d N/A ada4p2 gptid/a6cfc072-bcc4-11e3-952d-0800271cd34d N/A ada5p2 … Read more

How can I scroll back the output in FreeBSD’s console without Scroll Lock?

As root, dump the keyboard map to a file kbdcontrol -d > mykeys Change the file so “Ctrl+NumLock” will set “Scroll Lock”. Find line with scancode “base” 069, or where “nlock” fills the entire line. Edit column 3 from “nlock” to “slock”. The line now looks like: “069 nlock nlock slock nlock nlock nlock nlock … Read more

FreeBSD: How to know real file size on zfs with compression on?

Use the du with its -A flag: root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/218204 # du -A -h 221350.219 1.0G 221350.219 root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/218204 # du -h 221350.219 501M 221350.219 Very handy. It even works with -d for recursive goodness: root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base # du -h -c -d0 . 387G . 387G total root@pg78:/usr/local/pgsql/data/base # du -A -h -c -d0 . 518G . 518G total

I am going to chop the FreeBSD automounter into little pieces and boil them in oil

Why, hello there Lars! That’s a fascinating question you’ve asked, and after some research I may have found an answer for you. According to this and other posts out there, it may be possible to set the VFCF_JAIL attribute on the NFS filesystem provider, which would in theory allow jails to perform NFS mounts. This … Read more