Github Pages Dev Branch?

So going carefully through the github pages documentation seeking for any solution using the offered functionalty it seems what you are looking for might have been nice but is not available, maybe the closest thing is to have two repositories for example and another one that is forking it like and working on … Read more

Get Github Pages Site found in Google Search Results [closed]

You have to create a Google Search Console account and add your page, then typically you just drop a “marker” file in the root (Search Console generates this) so that Google can confirm you really own the page. Google Search Console Instructions (Since the instructions are long and have many links to sub-steps, I’m only … Read more

How to force GitHub Pages build?

From GitHub support, 2014-06-07: It’s not currently possible to manually trigger a rebuild, without pushing a commit to the appropriate branch. Edit: As Andy pointed out in the comments, you can push an empty commit with the command: git commit -m ‘rebuild pages’ –allow-empty git push origin <branch-name> Edit 2: Thanks to GitHub Actions, it’s … Read more