Groovy console can’t “remember” any variables – always says “unknown property”

This is standard behavior in the Groovy shell, not peculiar to the Grails shell. You probably don’t want to def the variable. See the following: ~ $ groovysh Groovy Shell (2.3.4, JVM: 1.7.0_45) Type ‘:help’ or ‘:h’ for help. ——————————————————————————- groovy:000> def x = 42 ===> 42 groovy:000> x Unknown property: x groovy:000> y = … Read more

Inject grails application configuration into service

The grailsApplication object is available within services, allowing this: package example import com.example.ExampleApiClient; class ExampleService { def grailsApplication def relevantMethod() { def client = new ExampleApiClient( grailsApplication.config.apiCredentials.baseUrl grailsApplication.config.apiCredentials.username, grailsApplication.config.apiCredentials.password ) return client.action(); } }

What does the question mark mean in GSP/Grails?

It’s the “Safe Navigation Operator”, which is a Groovy feature that concisely avoids null pointer exceptions. See In this case, if phoneInstance is null, then it doesn’t try to get the name property and cause a NPE – it just sets the value of the field tag to null.

Overriding grails.views.default.codec=’html’ config back to ‘none’

To summarize the various levels at which the codec can be applied: Set Config.groovy’s grails.views.default.codec=”html” to get HTML escaping by default on all ${expressions} in the application. Then when you want to default a whole page back to none, use the directive: <%@page defaultCodec=”none” %> or <%@ defaultCodec=”none” %> To disable HTML encoding for one … Read more

How can i set default value in grails domain class

This will be possible in 2.2 which should be released this week or next. See for the relevant feature request. The syntax will be static mapping = { name defaultValue: “‘Cash'” } For now you’ll need to do what you’re doing – set the value as the default value of the field. You can … Read more

Difference between findAll, getAll and list in Grails

getAll is an enhanced version of get that takes multiple ids and returns a List of instances. The list size will be the same as the number of provided ids; any misses will result in a null at that slot. See findAll lets you use HQL queries and supports pagination, but they’re not limited … Read more