GWT vs Dart – what are the main differences? Is Dart a potential replacement of GWT? [closed]

I think I found it: (should have read Dart’s FAQ first, instead of googling “GWT vs Dart”) From: Q. What’s the future for GWT? Bruce Johnson posted on the GWT blog (with further comments on Plus): “Dart and GWT both share the goal of enabling structured web programming. In fact, many of the same … Read more

Threading in GWT (Client)

JavaScript doesn’t support multithreading. However, GWT has a class to ‘simulate’ threading, which is not real multithreading, but in most cases does what you need: The technique is based on the timer class, which executes a method after the given time elapses. For example, when placing the following code in you own code, the … Read more

Java 8 support in GWT

EDIT GWT 2.8.0 was released on Oct 20, 2016 with support for Java 8 language constructs (lambdas, method references) and emulation of some Java 8 APIs (streams mostly) EDIT as of Apr 2014, GWT 2.6 supports Java 7, and work is underway to support Java 8 in GWT 2.7, to be released by the summer … Read more

Differences between GWT and Vaadin

In GWT application logic is normally run on client side. It only calls server when it needs to read/save some data. In Vaadin application logic is on server side. Client side must normally call server after every user interaction. GWT advantage: App logic (replies to user interaction) is faster as it is run locally in … Read more

Why use GWT.create() instead of new?

GWT.create is used by the GWT compiler for deferred binding. Deferred binding is a feature of the GWT compiler that works by generating many versions of code at compile time, only one of which needs to be loaded by a particular client during bootstrapping at runtime. You should only use the GWT.create for those cases … Read more

GWT module may need to be (re)compiled REDUX

Have you started the DevMode using your src/main/webapp as the “war folder”? or in other words, is there a *.nocache.js in your src/main/webapp? In that case, this file will overwrite the one produced by the GWT compiler as called by the gwt-maven-plugin. The *.nocache.js generated by the DevMode (when no one exists, generated by a … Read more

How do I select only visible elements using XPath?

This should work: .//button[.=’OK’ and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,’display:none’)]) and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,’display: none’)])] EDIT: The simpler and more efficient expression below: //div[not(contains(@style,’display:none’))]//button[.=’OK’] does not work properly because every button has at least one div that’s visible in its ancestors.

Multiple pages tutorial in Google Web Toolkit (GWT)

What I usually do in situations like this is design the webpage framework first. I’ll have a div for the header, side menu and footer. I’ll also have a div in my HTML for the main content. Example: <html xmlns=””> <head> <meta name=”gwt:module” content=”org.project.package.Core=org.project.package.Core”> </head> <body> <!– Load the JavaScript code for GWT –> <script … Read more