Possible to add basic HTTP access authentication via HAProxy?

I had to do this today myself (because IIS 7.5 bizarrely doesn’t actually support authenticating against anything but Windows user accounts or AD!)… Here’s all the code userlist UsersFor_AcmeCorp user joebloggs insecure-password letmein backend HttpServers .. normal backend stuff goes here as usual .. acl AuthOkay_AcmeCorp http_auth(UsersFor_AcmeCorp) http-request auth realm AcmeCorp if !AuthOkay_AcmeCorp I documented … Read more

Configure multiple SSL certificates in Haproxy

You can concatenate all your certificates into files say haproxy1.pem and haproxy2.pem or you can specify a directory containing all your pem files. cat cert1.pem key1.pem > haproxy1.pem cat cert2.pem key2.pem > haproxy2.pem As per the haproxy docs Then on the config use something like this: defaults log local0 option tcplog frontend ft_test mode … Read more