Where do I get a CPU-only version of PyTorch?

Per the Pytorch website, you can install pytorch-cpu with conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch You can see from the files on Anaconda cloud, that the size varies between 26 and 56MB depending on the OS where you want to install it. You can get the wheel from http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/. The wheel is 87MB. You can … Read more

How to see all the logs

Update (thanks to dawmail333): heroku logs -n 1500 or, to tail the logs live heroku logs -t Heroku log documentation If you need more than a few thousand lines you can Use heroku’s Syslog Drains Alternatively (old method): $ heroku run rails c File.open(‘log/production.log’, ‘r’).each_line { |line| puts line }

What exactly is dyno hour on Heroku?

From documentation: “Heroku usage is computed from wall-clock time, not CPU time. This means that usage accumulates over time as long as dynos are enabled, regardless of traffic or activity.” https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/usage-and-billing#computing-usage 750 hrs is enough to cover any single dyno for an entire month. Essentially “non-production” apps are free in that regard. (unless you have … Read more

Weird “is_xhr” error when deploying Flask app to Heroku

The Werkzeug library (dependency from Flask) recently received a major update (0.16.1 –> 1.0.0) and it looks like Flask (<=0.12.4) does not restrict the version of Werkzeug that is fetched. You have 2 options: Stick with your current version of Flask and restrict the Werkzeug version that is fetched explicitly in your application’s setup.py or … Read more

What timezone is Heroku server using?

By default Heroku will return calls for current time in UTC. You can manually set your app’s time zone by adding a TZ environment variable via the config command. Keep in mind that you must use the tz database time zone format. For example, if you wanted to set your default time zone to US … Read more

Can a Procfile have comments?

Yes, you can put comments in a Procfile. I know of two programs which parse Procfiles, foreman and forego. In foreman, which originated the Procfile format, a Procfile can contain comments, blank lines, and in fact any line that doesn’t look like a meaningful Procfile line. From the class that parses a Procfile: # A … Read more