Mathematically, how to calculate an uptime percentage based on a number of nodes and their respective uptime percentage?

Uptime is a slippery thing… If you want to calculate the availability of a service then it is simply amount of time service is available ———————————– x 100 amount of time that has passed If you have a cluster providing the service, then the likelyhood that the service becomes unavailable does down but the availability … Read more

What exactly does Gluster do?

We recently started researching GlusterFS for our own usage so this question was interesting to me. Gluster uses what are called ‘translators’ on the FUSE client to handle how you store data. There are several types of translators which are outlined here: The one you are asking about specifically is called the Automatic File … Read more

How to setup STONITH in a 2-node active/passive linux HA pacemaker cluster?

This is a slightly older question but the problem presented here is based on a misconception on how and when failover in clusters, especially two-node clusters, works. The gist is: You can not do failover testing by disabling communication between the two nodes. Doing so will result in exactly what you are seeing, a split-brain … Read more

When my A web server gets unplugged, how do I automatically redirect all the users to my B web server in another city, and vice versa?

Sounds like you may be looking for a Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) solution. GSLB usually uses “smart” DNS to direct users to different servers based on a number of parameters (i.e. server unavailable, high load, ip geolocation, etc). As an example, say you have two web servers, one out west ( and one east … Read more

What is the difference between keepalive and heartbeat?

Believe the question has been very precisely answered by Willy Tarreau, the author of HAProxy, in Citation from the above link Heartbeat is not the best tool to get a redundant haproxy setup, it was designed to build clusters, which is a lot different from having two redundant stateless network equipments. Network oriented tools … Read more