How to write javadoc links?

My answer is very much provided by Eddie, but his exact code doesn’t work for me (or at least when using the version of javadoc that comes with Java 1.6) If I do: javadoc -linkoffline -public then javadoc complains: javadoc: warning – Error fetching URL: If, on the other hand, I … Read more

Obtain a link to a specific email in GMail

I don’t know about a specific “email”, but you can view a specific thread (which is usually one email) by clicking in the URL bar and copying that. Then, change the label to “all”. So if the url is ““, you would change “#inbox” to say “#all” like this: ““ Now the link will work, … Read more

Change site.url to localhost during jekyll local development

This is a common problem between different Jekyll environments. Some explanations We need to understand site.url and site.baseurl and in which situation we need them. Those variables don’t serve the same purpose. site.url By default, this variable is only used in page head for the canonical header and the RSS link. It’s also used in … Read more

markdown link to header

In the Documentation you link to we learn that… The IDs are generated from the content of the header according to the following rules: All text is converted to lowercase. All non-word text (e.g., punctuation, HTML) is removed. All spaces are converted to hyphens. Two or more hyphens in a row are converted to one. … Read more