Difference between frontend/backend and listen in haproxy

All three are called “proxies.” A listen is a combined frontend and backend. A listen has an implicit default_backend of itself, but the frontend logic of a listen can use other backends and its backend section can be used by other frontends. Fundamentally it just keep configuration more compact for simple rules, but otherwise it’s … Read more

Web App: High Availability / How to prevent a single point of failure?

I have found this article on the subject: http://www.tenereillo.com/GSLBPageOfShame.htm Basically if you do not require long lasting sticky sessions you can configure your DNS servers to return multiple A records (IP addresses) for your website. Web browsers are smart enough to try all the addresses until they find one that works.

google cloud http(s) load balancer returning 502 despite healthy backend service

Traffic from the load balancer to your instance is not enabled by default. Unfortunately this is not well documented, and really, when you create a load balancer this should happen automatically. Try adding this firewall rule the network that your load balancer and VMs are on: tcp:1-5000 Apply to all targets

Best way to load balance across multiple static file servers for even an bandwidth distribution?

Draw a picture of your request/response cycle for the application and isolate the bottleneck. You are correct that a single proxy distributing load to many application servers will require the aggregate bandwidth of all application servers. The classical solution is RR DNS. Google, Yahoo and Amazon all use this technique with a short TTL. I … Read more

Kubernetes – can I avoid using the GCE Load Balancer to reduce cost?

Yes, via ExternalIPs. Be aware that this will mean your service will go down if the node that has said external IP assigned fails, but if you’re only running 1 master you probably don’t care much about that. Example service: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: myapp spec: ports: – port: 80 protocol: TCP selector: … Read more

Solution to route/proxy SNMP Traps (or Netflow, generic UDP, etc) for network monitoring?

A co-worker just showed me samplicator. This tool looks to be just about a perfect solution what I was looking for. From the tool’s website: This simple program listens for UDP datagrams on a network port, and sends copies of these datagrams on to a set of destinations. Optionally, it can perform sampling, i.e. rather … Read more