ZooKeeper alternatives? (cluster coordination service) [closed]

I’ve looked extensively at Zookeeper/Curator, Eureka, etcd, and consul. Zookeeper/Curator and Eureka are in many ways the most polished and easiest to integrate if you are in the Java world. Etcd is pretty cool and very flexible, but It is really just a HA key store so you would have to write a lot of … Read more

Intermittent log4net RollingFileAppender locked file issue

Try adding <lockingModel type=”log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock” /> to your <appender /> element. There is some performance impact because this means that log4net will lock the file, write to it, and unlock it for each write operation (as opposed to the default behavior, which acquires and holds onto the lock for a long time). One implication of the … Read more