Install Mono on Centos 5.5 using YUM

I figured it out. Create a new repository configuration file cd /etc/yum.repos.d vi mono.repo Add the following lines to the file [Mono] name=Mono Stack (RHEL_5) type=rpm-md baseurl= gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= enabled=1 Update the YUM cache to be on the safe side yum clean all Install the Mono server stack yum install monotools-addon-server The installed binaries will … Read more

“NotSupportedException” when WebRequest is unable to find a creator for that prefix

Try this hacky workaround on this issue: private static HttpWebRequest CreateWebRequest(Uri uri) { var type = Type.GetType(“System.Net.HttpRequestCreator, System, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089”); var creator = Activator.CreateInstance(type,nonPublic:true) as IWebRequestCreate; return creator.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest; }