Where can I obtain an English dictionary with structured data? [closed]

Go to http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/cmudict and you will find the download page for the pronunciation dictionary at https://cmusphinx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cmusphinx/trunk/cmudict/ The latest version is currently cmudict.0.7a. This is what I am currently using to implement the syllable counter for http://www.haikuvillage.com. It’s in Ruby and I’d be happy to open source it for you if that helps.

What are the open source tools and techniques to build a complete data warehouse platform? [closed]

The Open Source Data Warehousing does a great job at identifying OSS components that could be used to build a Data Warehouse stack: Infrastructure (servers, OS, databases), Integration Management (ETL, EAI, etc), Information Management (DW/Mart/ODS, OLap Servers, etc), Information Delivery (Portal, Dashboard, Analytics/OLAP Client, etc). Here is a summary: Open Source BI/DW Projects BI and … Read more

What are some viable alternatives to BizTalk Server? [closed]

BizTalk Server’s key benefit is that it provides a lot of ‘plumbing’ around deployment, management, performance, and scalability. Through Visual Studio, it also provides a comprehensive framework for developing solutions, often with relatively little code. The frustration and steep learning curve that others mention often comes from using BizTalk for the wrong purpose and from … Read more