How do I get an application id for Paypal?

In order to go live, you need to register your application with PayPal to obtain an application ID. When you submit your application to PayPal for review, the application is quickly scanned for the requests to PayPal operations. If no “advanced” operations are found, PayPal issues an AppID for the production servers at the time … Read more

Can I send a variable to paypal, and have it post it back to me when payment completes?

Iten_number hidden variable don’t work in my application. But i found that custom hidden field works fine. Just add this field to the form, generated by paypal: <input type=”hidden” name=”custom” value=”YOUR VALUE FROM DB”/>. After, you can read this value to identify, for example, what product have been purchased. (Java code): String custom = request.getParameter(“custom”);

Notify URL of PayPal

PayPal returns data back to your site via what they call IPN. Its really just a callback to a URL you specify. You can set this URL via the variable notify_url you can send to PayPal. Example: <input name=”notify_url” value=”” type=”hidden”> The notify_url.php in the example above receives some POST variables from PayPal when the … Read more

How to send money to any paypal account

You’ve got two main options: use the MassPay API or Adaptive Payments API. Note: Adaptive Payments is not available for new integrations. PayPal provides documentation to only support existing integrations The Adaptive Payments option gives you a lot more control over the payment and is the future direction of the Paypal APIs. It supports SOAP, … Read more

Setting PayPal return URL and making it auto return?

You have to enable auto return in your PayPal account, otherwise it will ignore the return field. From the documentation (updated to reflect new layout Jan 2019): Auto Return is turned off by default. To turn on Auto Return: Log in to your PayPal account at or The My Account Overview page appears. … Read more