Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops

“alternate shell” doesn’t seem to work anymore in recent versions of Windows, RemoteApp is the way to go. remoteapplicationmode:i:1 remoteapplicationname:s:Purpose of the app shown to user… remoteapplicationprogram:s:C:\…\some.exe remoteapplicationcmdline:s: To get this to work under e.g. Windows 10 Professional, one needs to enable some policy: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services] “fAllowUnlistedRemotePrograms”=dword:00000001

Is there a replacement for the removed “Windows System Resource Manager” feature in the Windows Server 2012 R2 release?

So we’re left with “Fair Share” resource sharing, enabled by default for Remote Desktop Services in 2012+, for CPU, Network, and Disk I/O. But not memory. So no, no memory balancing like we had with WSRM. Why did they specifically leave memory out of the FairShare policies? I don’t know. You can implement fair sharing … Read more

Allow RDP for user from commandline

Sure, you can use the NET command: NET LOCALGROUP “Remote Desktop Users” domain\jscott /ADD This would add the domain user domian\jscott to the local group Remote Desktop Users. If you’d like to add a non-domain user, simply leave off the domain prefix: NET LOCALGROUP “Remote Desktop Users” keyoke /ADD This would add the local user … Read more

RDP over UDP failing on Windows 10 1809 with reduced MTU links

I think you can try disabling URCP (Universal Rate Control Protocol) for Terminal Services on your server as described here: Windows 10 RDP black screen when connecting to Server 2019 On your Server 2019, open the registry editor and navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client Create a new d-word (32-bit) value and name it UseURCP with … Read more

Windows 10 Pro, RDP Server, “An internal error has occurred”

May be a bit late but this worked for me, credit to Elton Saul. Create the DWORD below and set to 10000 My next task is to find out why it has outstanding connections 🙂 A temporary workaround for this issue is to increase the maximum outstanding connections limit. On client SKUs it is … Read more