Compare SQL Server Reporting Services to Crystal Reports [closed]

On the one-hand, Crystal Reports is a steaming pile of expensive and overhyped donkey poo, and on the other hand SSRS actually fulfils all the promises that CR marketing makes – and it’s free. My contempt for CR stems from many years of being obliged to use the horrible thing. There’s really no point in … Read more

SSRS 2008 R2 – SSRS 2012 – ReportViewer: Reports are blank in Safari and Chrome

Ultimate solution (works in SSRS 2012 too!) Append the following script to the following file (on the SSRS Server) C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager\js\ReportingServices.js function pageLoad() { var element = document.getElementById(“ctl31_ctl10”); if (element) { = “visible”; } } Note: As azzlak noted, the div’s name isn’t always ctl31_ctl10. For SQL 2012 tryctl32_ctl09 and for … Read more

The permissions granted to user ‘ are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied)”}

It’s because of lack of privilege for the user you are running the report builder, just give that user or a group a privilege to run report builder. Please visit this article Or for shortcut: Start Internet Explorer using “Run as Administrator” Open http://localhost/reports Go to properties tab (SSRS 2008) Security->New Role Assignment Add DOMAIN/USERNAME … Read more