How do you tag people with a slack bot?

The correct format is <@userID> You will simply get the user ID from the event (in your screenshot, the channel_join event) { “type”: “message”, “subtype”: “channel_join”, “ts”: “1358877458.000011”, “user”: “U2147483828”, “text”: “<@U2147483828|cal> has joined the channel” } Update: (I have not checked the solution proposed in the edit) In the new Bolt SDK you can … Read more

Slack API team invitation

Invite new users via API There is an undocumented method in the Slack API that allows you to programmatically invite new users to your Slack workspace: method name: users.admin.invite arguments: token, email, channels token: your slack API “test” token (required) email: email address, e.g. (required) channels: comma separated list of channels the new user … Read more

Schedule a message in Slack

You should be able to create a reminder sending a message to @slackbot The message should be like: /remind [@someone or #channel] [what] [when] Here’s some examples: /remind @username to do something in 24 hours or: /remind @username to do something at 16:00