Scalable Image Storage

We have been using CouchDB for that, saving images as an “Attachment”. But after a year the multi-dozen GB CouchDB Database files turned out to be a headache. For example CouchDB replication still has issues if you use it with very large document sizes. So we just rewrote our software to use CouchDB for image … Read more

How much storage would be required to store a human genome?

If you trust such things, here is what Wikipedia claims (from The 2.9 billion base pairs of the haploid human genome correspond to a maximum of about 725 megabytes of data, since every base pair can be coded by 2 bits. Since individual genomes vary by less than 1% from each other, they can … Read more

What is the difference between LVM and LUN

Different layers of abstraction. If you’ve got a large storage array, you probably don’t want one server to use the whole thing, so you divide it into logical units (LUN is actually Logical Unit Number, but hey, it helps me remember). So you’ve got your storage sliced into usable chunks, and now you present it … Read more

IOPS versus Throughput

IOPS measures the number of read and write operations per second, while throughput measures the number of bits read or written per second. Although they measure different things, they generally follow each other as IO operations have about the same size. If you have large files, you simply need more IO operations to read the … Read more