VSCode Copy Relative Path with posix forward slashes

As of vscode 1.59 you can enable using the / separator even on Windows for the Copy Relative Path command. Explorer: Copy Relative Path Separator set to /. explorer.copyRelativePathSeparator auto (default): Uses operating system specific path separation character /: Use slash as path separation character \\: Use backslash as path separation character See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/56279 For … Read more

Visual Studio Code waiting for second key of chord. (Ctrl + A)

You have another key binding that begins with Ctrl+A, something like this: A sequence of multiple keystrokes pressed one after another (rather than simultaneously) is called a “chord”. You might have accidentally created it, or might have recently installed an extension that adds the problematic binding. To find it, do like I have done in … Read more

VSCode multiple copy-paste?

The best plugin I found: Multiple clipboards for VSCode. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=slevesque.vscode-multiclip It looks better than the usual ctrl+shift+v I was looking for. In addition to ctrl+shift+v you can use ctrl+shift+c to Merge-Copy. And ctrl+shift+x to Merge-Cut. Select clipboard to paste (ctrl+alt+v). Paste and cycle through clipboard items (ctrl+shift+v).