Vue-Test-Utils Unknown custom element:

Add the router-link stub to the shallow (or shallowMount) method options like this: const wrapper = shallow(TempComponent, { propsData: { temp }, stubs: [‘router-link’] }) or this way: import { RouterLinkStub } from ‘@vue/test-utils’; const wrapper = shallow(TempComponent, { propsData: { temp }, stubs: { RouterLink: RouterLinkStub } }) The error should go away after … Read more

Access VueRouter outside Vue components

I’ve used it only from components but you could try following in case you’re using common boilerplate where routes are defined under router/index.js then you just import it like: import Router from ‘../router’; After it is possible to use it in code e.g. Router.push(‘/mypage’) Not sure if it works but give it a try.

Which is better vue-native or nativescript-vue? [closed]

Vue-Native is nothing but a wrapper around ReactNative. So the question becomes ReactNative vs NativeScript? In my opinion, it’s NativeScript. Supports frameworks like Angular & Vue Works with Core JavaScript / TypeScript too Better code sharing 100% access to native apis ReactNative got a huge community and range of plugins, but the problem beings when … Read more

How to access a computed property from a method in a Single File Component with Vue.js

You can access computed properties like a property, not like a method: // correct console.log(this.myProperty); // wrong console.log(this.myProperty()); Note: If you treat it as a method with paracentesis () it shall throw an error like this Error in v-on handler: “TypeError: this.myProperty is not a function”.

Sort an array in Vue.js

Yes, an easy way to do this can be create a computed property which can return the sortedArray, like following: computed: { sortedArray: function() { function compare(a, b) { if ( < return -1; if ( > return 1; return 0; } return this.arrays.sort(compare); } } See working demo. You can find the … Read more

Passing boolean Vue prop value in HTML

If passing in JS keywords such as boolean values or references to variables, you will need to use v-bind (or :), i.e.: <Header v-bind:have-banner=”true” page-title=”Home”> This will have the effect of binding the boolean true to the prop, not a “true” string. If you are not using v-bind, the haveBanner prop will always be truthy … Read more