is it okay to use random URLs instead of passwords? [closed]

Whether it is “okay” or not depends on how sensitive the images are. If you are not using SSL, the URLs, HTML and the images themselves will be cached on your user’s computers. This could leak but I would consider it unlikely. Browser tool bars, especially ones made by companies that run crawlers, such as … Read more

/etc/hosts , /etc/sysconfig/network and hostname?

/etc/sysconfig/network file is source from which the startup scripts take the arguments for ‘hostname’ command. And this should be just the machine name, not fully qualified. The domain part is usually defined in the /etc/resolv.conf file. Assuming the fully qualified host name is ‘’ (‘www’ doesn’t look like a good host name to me), then: … Read more

What purpose does an empty gif (1×1 pix) file serve?

1×1 gif files are used by some websites to set spacing between elements (particularly on older websites, made when browsers’ interpretations of HTML/CSS were more divergent cough IE cough They are also used more often today as a request target for “tracking pixels”, which are used as a tool for gathering usage stats, etc., especially … Read more

Free open source alternative to pingdom? [closed]

I’m not familiar with Pingdom, but I think Smokeping will do everything you want. If you specifically want to monitor an HTTP/HTTPS server and not just general connectivity (by way of ICMP), check out the EchoPingHttp and EchoPingHttps probes. There are also probes that will monitor DNS and SSH services. We use smokeping for general … Read more

How to run php with SimpleHTTPServer?

I just came across this answer from StackOverflow. Basically, python’s webserver is not configured to run php files by default, but instead of trying to reconfigure python’s web server, you can simply run php’s web server, which works almost exactly like python’s simplehttpserver, with php [options] -S <addr>:<port> [-t docroot] Example: php -S -t … Read more