What technology does Google Drive use to get real-time updates?

Is there a name for Google’s solution for real-time updates in Drive (such as “long polling” or “sockets”)? It didn’t have a name until now. I’ll call it “no-polling,” to contrast with polling and long-polling. With polling, the client periodically sends queries for new data. With long-polling, the client queries for data, and the server … Read more

Direct MQTT vs MQTT over WebSocket [closed]

You should only need to run MQTT over websockets if you intend to publish/subscribe to messages directly from within webapps (in page). Basically I would run pure MQTT for everything and only add the websockets if you actually need it. For all the non-browser languages the MQTT client libraries only use native MQTT. For Javascript … Read more

Pusher vs Pubnub vs open source Socket.io / SignalR.net / Faye / jWebSocket [closed]

Faye using Node.js was very easy to set up for me and initially performed very well in testing. However even though the load on my App is only about 10 requests per second with around 3000 open connections – when I switched it to live node.js cpu usage was pinned at 100% (1 core out … Read more

WebSocket request-response subprotocol

The WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) https://wamp-proto.org/ provides RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and PubSub (Publish & Subscribe) messaging patterns on top of raw WebSocket for that purpose. WAMP is a proper WebSocket subprotocol, uses WebSocket as transport and JSON as a payload format. RPC is implemented using 3 messages, and those messages contain a “Call … Read more

Faye vs. Socket.IO (and Juggernaut)

Disclosure: I am the author of Faye. Regarding Faye, everything you’ve said is true. Faye implements most of Bayeux, the only thing missing right now is service channels, which I’ve yet to be convinced of the usefulness of. In particular Faye is designed to be compatible with the CometD reference implementation of Bayeux, which has … Read more

Differences between webhook and websocket?

Webhooks Webhooks are for server to server communication. They work by one server telling another server that it wants data sent to a certain url when something happens. This article talks about some uses of webhooks in popular services. This organization talks a lot about using them in the context of RESTful APIs. Websockets Websockets … Read more

Loadbalancing web sockets

Put a L3 load-balancer that distributes IP packets based on source-IP-port hash to your WebSocket server farm. Since the L3 balancer maintains no state (using hashed source-IP-port) it will scale to wire speed on low-end hardware (say 10GbE). Since the distribution is deterministic (using hashed source-IP-port), it will work with TCP (and hence WebSocket). Also … Read more