wget – Download a sub directory

You can do: wget -r -l1 –no-parent http://www.domain.com/subdirectory/ where: -r: recursive retrieving -l1: sets the maximum recursion depth to be 1 –no-parent: does not ascend to the parent; only downloads from the specified subdirectory and downwards hierarchy

What does “wget -O” mean?

Here’s the man page of wget -O: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/html_node/Download-Options.html#Download-Options Here’s a few examples: wget with no flag wget www.stackoverflow.com Output: A file named as index.html wget with -O flag wget -O filename.html www.stackoverflow.com Output: A file named as filename.html wget with -O- flag wget -O- www.stackoverflow.com Output: Output to stdout

download wetransfer files via terminal [closed]

Obtain the real download link by clicking “Download Link” on WeTransfer’s download page. After the download begins, right-click on the file being downloaded and select “Copy Download Link”. Find out your browser’s User Agent. You can use whatsmyuseragent to grab it. Prepare your wget command and download the file. Example: wget –user-agent Mozilla/4.0 ‘[your big … Read more

download files via terminal/cmdline through wetransfer.com

First, obtain the real download link. Using your browser (I’m using Firefox) click “Download Link” on WeTransfer’s download page. After the download begins, right-click on the file being downloaded and select “Copy Download Link”. Find out your browser’s User Agent. You can use whatsmyuseragent.com to grab it. Prepare your wget command and download the file. … Read more

Can I use wget to check , but not download

There is the command line parameter –spider exactly for this. In this mode, wget does not download the files and its return value is zero if the resource was found and non-zero if it was not found. Try this (in your favorite shell): wget -q –spider address echo $? Or if you want full output, … Read more